Children are
amazing inquisitive the future


I am the COO of Little Lions Learn, and teach classes for students and parents. You can sign up for an intro to homeschooling course and more, here!


My goal is to encourage, inspire, and empower parents to confidently make the best decisions for educating their children. This can look different for everyone, but I aim to provide information that can help point you in the right direction.

podcaster (link)

Check out my latest podcast interview on The Real Coach Mel Show!

children adapt to the environment they grow up in

You are capable of accomplishing anything you put your mind to.

I’m here to help encourage, inspire, and empower you as you begin your homeschool journey.

As parents, we strive to do the best thing for our children. 

We weigh our past experiences and the information at hand, and we use it to try and provide our children with the best possible future. We have been told for generations that the best place for children is in a classroom full of peers. We have been convinced they can learn everything they need to know to be successful in life within the walls of a sanitary, structured classroom full of other children who have exactly as much life experience as they do. We have been taught that children need information broken down and simplified so much that they can’t even figure out how it is relevant for real life.

We’ve been taught wrong. 

Children are fully capable of learning and thriving at home, doing the same things that adults do with guidance. Until about 200 years ago, that’s the only way learning was done- children learned a family trade at home first, and then learned reading, writing, and math if they had extra time. Not all children knew how to read, but most had a marketable trade and basic business sense. They were ready to step into their roles in society as they grew up- it was a natural progression.

As the education system crumbles around us, I believe it’s time to get back to parent-led learning. 

Most children nowadays feel unprepared for what comes after school, because the environment they spent the majority of their time in looks nothing like the world they are supposed to succeed in when their school tenure is over.

It’s time for children to be trained to navigate the real world. It’s time for learning that is more holistic and engaging. It’s time to make homeschooling mainstream again. 

Learning to do something new can be scary. 

When the decisions you make directly impact the lives of someone else, it can be terrifying- especially when it goes against everything you have been taught. That’s why I’m here to help you get started, and I’ll be your cheerleader along the way. You’ve got this.

Homeschool resource
The Science of Homeschooling
art class
Learning Through Exploration
chemistry lesson
Learning Through Experimentation
Fictional storybook
The Fisherman's Son

ready to start?

The hardest part of any new endeavor is getting started. If you are ready to begin your homeschool journey, but feel overwhelmed, check out my book The Science of Homeschooling, or sign up for my Intro to Homeschooling course through the link below. You can do it, and you don’t have to do it alone. 

What people say:

Book Reviews

.She has woven together, with compelling research and an appeal to both common sense and big-picture outlook, a treasure of a book for the current or prospective homeschool parent. If you are doubting yourself, or just curious about homeschooling, this is the book for you. This is all about your kids, your day-to-day, and your family’s lives.
She makes a powerful case for homeschooling and its tangible and measurable benefits, then goes into information-mode by sharing approaches and offering helpful insights, then ends it all with a generous dose of testimonies from homeschooling families young and old.
Taylor S.
The Science of Homeschooling
Amazon Review
As a former teacher who has lost faith in the public school system, I decided to start homeschooling my own children. That's why I was thrilled to get my hands on "The Science of Homeschooling" and dive into this fascinating read. The book provided me with a fresh perspective on my family's education journey over the past 25 years. The chapter on "Deschooling After Public Education" struck a chord with me, as I'm currently helping my older daughter rediscover her love for learning. This summer, we're taking a break from schooling and preparing for an exciting year ahead. I found the author's exploration of different homeschooling methods to be insightful, with the Charlotte Mason approach being a personal favorite.
Khara S.
The Science of Homeschooling
Amazon Review



My name is Kristy, and I am a homeschool mom of five, author, and small business owner. I passionately believe in experience as the best teacher, and that education should happen in the midst of real life, so that children learn "on the job" how to navigate the nuances of life. Why would you waste the period of life when children are most adaptable, and isolate them from the environment they eventually need to be confident to navigate on their own? It's a very narrow vision for education. 

I advocate for education that happens in a way that its value is apparent and the purpose is known. This depth of understanding not only makes the information more engaging, but also allows for more exploration into additional applications. 

Children are amazing, and capable of so many things! They grow and adapt and learn as much as they can for a time. Don't hinder that. Encourage them to run and explore and discover things for themselves. This is one of the key ways to teach children to be self-motivated and self-confident. Don't spoon-feed them the information, give them the tools to discover it for themselves, so they also learn the satisfaction of accomplishing something that they set their minds to.

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painting fun